Student submitted the Quiz 4 years ago
Quiz Apply knowledge 2 was submitted by student Vilém Vinklář
Instructor evaluated Quiz for student 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář got 33 out of 75 in Quiz Apply knowledge 2
Student started a quiz 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář started the quiz Apply knowledge 2
Student started course 2. Cybercrime 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář started the course 2. Cybercrime
Student subscribed for course 2. Cybercrime 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář subscribed for course 2. Cybercrime
Student started a quiz 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář started the quiz Apply knowledge
Student started course 1. Protection against inappropriate content 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář started the course 1. Protection against inappropriate content
Student started a quiz 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář started the quiz Apply knowledge
Student started course 1. Protection against inappropriate content 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář started the course 1. Protection against inappropriate content
Student subscribed for course 1. Protection against inappropriate content 4 years ago
Student Vilém Vinklář subscribed for course 1. Protection against inappropriate content